
In her STEM teacher externship, Kitty Clingingsmith works in the Rock Island District of the Mississippi River Division of the US Corps of Engineers.  The USACE  energizes the economy by dredging America’s waterways to support the movement of critical commodities and providing recreation opportunities at campgrounds, lakes, and marinas while using environmental sustainability as a guiding principle.

Working out of the Lock and Dam 14 office, she helped complete timber inventory and conduct quality assurance within the forestry division. Using forestry tools such as a clinometer, to measure tree heights, a diameter tape, a tool that tells you the diameter of a tree from the circumference, and an angle gauge, a tool used to determine which trees to measure, Kitty assisted foresters in determining the health of the trees. 

The foresters boat to several islands along the shore to conduct the inventory.  Herbaceous species are also noted during the inventory. Foresters work to control invasive species that threaten the health of our native species on these islands. Kitty has learned the importance of healthy trees to maintain a navigable waterway.

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